09 November 2012

Used Farm Equipment

Entering the era of high technology, used farm equipment with modern machinery to help accelerate the processing of agricultural production. One of the tools that are common and most often used is modern farm equipment, like tractors. Modern farm equipment is a motorized device that has the ability to cultivate the land.

Farm equipment functionality has now been replace animal power functions, such as cattle and buffalo in tillage. Although it has been well known, but it is important we discuss about the need to use farm equipment. Farm equipment machinery has been driven by the power of the engine, but the operation is still using the hands.

In modern agriculture use modern farm equipment, like tractors. So the use of traditional farming methods will be minor, and used farm equipment as methods change and modernization will enable the farmers to work efficiently, but also many advantages and disadvantages of the use of farm equipment is compared with the traditional way.

A good introduction on used farm equipment, it can speed up the process of agricultural modernization. Hand tractor is the driving source of the implementation of farm equipment. Usually to cultivate the land use is agricultural equipment. But actually farm equipment is a versatile machine, because it can be used to implement the driving force, such as: water pumps, processing equipment, trailers, and more.

Excess used farm equipment is:
1. Lighter and faster job completion.
2. Maximum working efficiency, and many other examples.

Shortage of used farm equipment is:
1. Lack the knowledge to use these tools.
2. Costs incurred sizable.


  1. Planning to buy used farm equipments like power tiller and pumpsets. Could you tell me if this will not create any problems in future.
