13 November 2012

Farm Equipment Auctions

As a person who has agricultural businesses need to know the types of farm equipment auctions and bidding requirements. This article focuses more on the kinds of auctions, the method of selection of bidders and bidding requirements.

The types of farm equipment auctions, among others:
1. General farm equipment auctions. This type of auctions may be followed by contractors who are interested in without any limitations.

2. Limited farm equipment auctions. This type of auctions is limited, that only those invited. Usually registered in the list of partners and be able to meet the needs of farm equipment requested.

3. Farm equipment auctions under hand or direct appointment. Type of auctions is usually when in a state of: Emergency, and its implementation could not be delayed. Secret, because it may be related to defense and security. Specially, because its implementation could only be done through a special technology. Small jobs, because the value of the tender is not more than 5000 U.S. dollars, for its own purposes, the risk is small, and using simple technology.

4. Direct farm equipment auctions. This type of auction is usually the user will select a contractor to compare at least 3 quotes from contractors.

Other Types Of Farm Equipment Auctions
1. Farm Equipment Auctions Non Compulsory Execution: Auctions are conducted at the request of the parties who control / own an item by legislation to be sold by auction.

2. Non Farm Equipment Auctions Voluntary Execution: Auctions are conducted at the request of the people / businesses who voluntarily want the goods auctioned.

Bidding requirements, specifically for the procurement of farm equipment, among others:
1.) Participants must have a Business License (Trading Business License).
2.) Submit entry form.
3.) Settling tax liability.
4.) Having experience in the provision of goods.
5.) Are under the supervision of the court, dismissal is not in the business, and not go broke.
6.) Not listed in the blacklist in an agency.
7.) Has the ability to supply in accordance with the package suppliers.
8.) Have a letter of financial support from the Bank.
9.) Make a statement competencies and business capabilities.
10.) Have a clear business address.

Farm Equipment Auctions Types In General:
1. First Price Sealed Bid Farm Equipment Auction
2. Ascending Bid Farm Equipment Auction (English Auction)
3. Second Price Sealed Bid Farm Equipment Auction (Vickrey's Auction)
4. Descending Bid Farm Equipment Auction (Dutch Auction)

Farm Equipment Auctions Procedures
Farm Equipment Auctions Guidelines are as follows:
1. Each farm equipment auctions must be made by and / or in the presence of officials Auction.

2. For farm equipment auctions set price limit and a security deposit to be deposited by the bidders.

3. Farm equipment auctions announcements made through daily published in the city or town adjacent to the area where the land is located.

4. To be able to participate in farm equipment auctions, the bidders are required to deposit a security bond auctions listed officials, money which will be offset by the purchase price if the bidders concerned designated as a buyer.

5. Sales of farm equipment auctions conducted by verbal offers with prices rising-up.

6. Bidders / buyers are considered seriously knew what was offered / purchased by him. If there is a shortage or damage, either visible or not visible or there are other defects of the goods he had bought it, then he is not entitled to refuse to withdraw after the purchase was passed and relinquish all rights to request compensation in any form.

7. Farm equipment auction buyers are reaching the highest bidder and or exceed the price limit authorized by the Official Auction.

8. Payments carried out no later than 3 (three) business days after the auction farm equipment.

9. Buyers are not allowed to take control of the goods he had bought it before the full purchase money / fully repaid, so the cost of goods, customs auction and cash poor. Delivered to the buyer auction receipts.

10. In each auction farm equipment made Treatise Auction.

11. Goods sold farm equipment in that moment into the right and responsibility of the buyer.

12. An auction of farm equipment that has been conducted in accordance with applicable regulations can not be undone.

In the event of fraud or auctions conducted by sloppy and not in accordance with applicable regulations, farm equipment auctions can be canceled through a complaint filed with the district court.


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